The Minister's Decree no. 68 of 2011 with regard to the rules and instructions for the amendment of the income tax returns numbers 27, 28 and 29 that are attached with the ministerial decree no. 57 of 2011 concerning the rules and instructions for the rules and the basis of the tax accounting of the small enterprises and the procedures for the tax collection on its profits issued on 4/3/2012.
The regular bulletin no. 11 of 2012 issued by the commissioner of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the tax treatment for the revenues of the treasury bills issued on 26/3/2012.
The regular bulletin no. 12 of 2012 issued by the commissioner of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the Tax Authority commitment in case of reach an agreement with the taxpayer, to request for the tax due of the finalized disputed items only and transfer the other disputes items to the High Committee of Appeals issued on 26/3/2012.
The general instructions no.11 of 2012 with regard to the amendment to some provisions of the general instructions no.4 of 2008 concerning the delay fines issued on 19/3/2012.