Law no.125 of 2009 with regard to the amendment of the Central bank of Egypt, banking system and money issued on 30/5/2009. Law no. 126 of 2009 with regard to the amendment of laws conceding the judgmental fees at the civil, criminal provisions and before the State council issued on 30/5/2009.
Law of central depository for securities issued on 30/5/2009. The Minister of Investment no. 90 of 2009 with regard to the amendment of the executive regulation of the companies’ law no. 159 of 1981 issued on 21/5/2009.
The presidential decree no. 147 of 2007 with regard to increase pensions issued on 30/5/2009.
The periodical bulletin no. 16 of 2009 issued the tax commissioner of the Egyptian Tax Authority concerning transfer of appeals to the internal committees of income tax offices issued on 5/5/2009.
The periodical bulletin no. 17 of 2009 issued the tax commissioner of the Egyptian Tax Authority concerning the non proportionate the amount of LE 5000 that is due on it tax stipulates ob article 7 of income tax law no. 91 of 2005 issued 5/5/2009.