The Minister of Economy decree no. 356 of 2008 with regard to apply the Egyptian Accounting Standards on the insurance and re –insurance companies issued on 17/12/2007.
The Minister of Finance no. 581 of 2007 with regard to the issuance of the new income tax returns numbers 27 and 28 issued on 31/12/2007.
The Minister of Finance decree no. 779 of 2007 with regard to the amendment of the executive regulation of the income tax law no. 91 of 2005 issued on 31/12/2007.
The Minister of Finance no. 871 of 2007 with regard to the rules and standards of the stamp duty taxpayers audit sampling issued on 31/12/2007.
The tax commissioner of the Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) decree no.461 of 2007 with the amendment of working units of the Egyptian Tax Authority issued on 3/12/2007.
The Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) general instruction no. 1 of 2007 with regard to the investigation officers to have an access to review the tax files.
The Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) general instruction no. 2 of 2007 with regard to audit, assess and collect the unpaid taxes.
The Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) general instruction no. 3 of 2007 with regard to audit and finalization procedures up to 2004.
The Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) clarification instruction no. 6 of 2007 concerning whether applying items 2 and 3 of article 125 of tax law no. 157 of 1981on the previous cases before the new income tax law no. 91 9f 2005 .
The General rules and instructions no. (7) of 2007 issued by the president of the Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) concerning the delay fines.
The periodical bulletin no.21 of 2007 issued by the president of the Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) concerning the procedures that should be followed before applying the administrative seizure on the taxpayer.
The periodical bulletin no. 5 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the tax treatment of Cinema production and distribution.
The periodical bulletin no. 6 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the improper implication of the provisions of articles 59 and 70 of the income tax law.
The periodical bulletin no. 6 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the incoming notifications from the concern general management of collecting the central data.
The periodical bulletin no. 6 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the unified percentage of deduction for supplying printers to the commitment bodies.
The periodical bulletin no.9 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the proportional stamp duty on prizes for competitions.
The periodical bulletin no. 10 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the finalization for the cases of assessments for non- objecting.
The periodical bulletin no. 10 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the amendment of the delay fines that should be applied in light of the income tax law no.91 of 2005.
The periodical bulletin no. 12 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the unconstitutional of article 96 of the tax law no. 157 of 1981 and its amendment.
The periodical bulletin no. 13 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the unconstitutional of the second paragraph of article 13 of the stamp duty tax law no. 111 of 1980 and its amendment.
The periodical bulletin no. 16 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to improper of tax offices performance of work and the compliance of the provisions of the income tax law no.91 of 2005.
The periodical bulletin no. 17 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the audit process.
The periodical bulletin no. 18 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the Ministerial decree no. 160 0f 2007.
The periodical bulletin no. 19 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the final tax losses treatment at the time of finalization between the tax authority and taxpayers according to the sixth article of the income tax law no. 91 of 2005.
The periodical bulletin no.20 of 2007 of the Egyptian Tax Authority with regard to the issuance of law 163 of 2006 as amended to some of provisions of the stamp duty tax law no. 111 of 1980.
The monthly executive instruction for tax audit concerning the exchange rate.
N.B.: The complete text of the above mentioned legislations are available in El Mawso3a bulletin.