A decree with law no. 1 of 2012 with regard to the amendment some of the provisions of the real estate tax law no. 196 of 2008 issued on 3/1/2012.
Law no. 2 of 2012 with regard to the amendment some of the provisions of the social security and pension law no. 135 of 2010issued on 3/1/2012.
Law no. 4 of 2012 with regard to the amendment some of the provisions of the investment law no. 8 of 1997 issued on 3/1/2012.
Law no. 5 of 2012 with regard to the amendment some of the provisions of the 4 of 2002 concerning of the continuation of working with the last general appraisal to be taken as the basis of calculating the tax on agriculture land issued on 13/1/2012.
Law no. 11 of 2012 with regard to grant discounts for the outstanding balance of the unpaid tax dues for previous years including delay fine for corporate, stamp duty taxes and state resources development levy issued on 16/1/02012.
The Ministerial decree no. 21 of 2012 with regard to the amendment of the provision of article 27 of the executive regulation of the sales tax law as stated in the ministerial decree no. 749 of 2001 issued on 8/1/2012.
The Minister of decree no. 38 of 2011 with regard to the rules and instructions for the implementation of the law no. 11 of 2012 issued on 23/1/2012.
The Minister of decree no. 54 of 2011 with regard to the rules and instructions for the rules and the basis of the tax accounting of the small enterprises and the procedures for the tax collection on its profits issued on 8/1/2012.